
Training and Consultation for DDA/DDS Provider

Training and Consultation for DDA/DDS Provider

BASICS Training Institute provides trainings, consultative services and continuing education hours for schools, behavioral health agencies, clinicians and other human service or non-human service organizations.

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BASICS Training Institute provides ongoing mental health training for the staff of agencies that provide residential and day program services for the developmentally delayed population (i.e. DDA/DDS recipients).  We are skilled to provide your staff with the training necessary to diffuse or deescalate a mental health/behavioral crisis; to provide the most appropriate and effective care for residents or participants of your program while at the same time providing the least restrictive care and treatment based on the client’s needs and concerns; to cohere to the highest standard of regulatory and clinical standards and ethics.  Trainings provided will include topics specific to working with individuals who are "court involved” and “sex and violent offenders"

Trainings include but are not limited to the following:

  • Crisis Management: The Art and Science of De-escalation
  • Self-Care for Direct Level and Mid-Managerial Staff in Human Service Agency
  • Providing Empathetic Care and Service to the Developmentally Delayed Population


Other support services offered by BASICS Training Institute include indirect service (i.e., service that does not require direct interaction with staff) that would assist and guide the primary goal of providing efficacious consultative services to staff.  These ancillary services include, but are not limited to, observing staff, conducting a needs assessment survey, offering training and technical assistance around clinical guidelines or protocols, etc. 

BTI instructors and consultants are equipped to provide an initial comprehensive assessment of staff needs and concerns with the allotment of at the minimum 12 hours ancillary hours. Ancillary hours will include, but not be limited to:

  • Observations
  • Staff surveys
  • Create Orientation Binder 
  • Collect staff surveys and compile statistics
  • Write report and schedule feedback with program’s leadership & staff

The ongoing allotment for ancillary services will be determined by the respective program or organization, on an as needed basis.


BASICS Training Institute will provide ongoing, clinical consultative services to staff of prospective agencies/organizations.  Weekly consultation will ensure all staff have the necessary clinical support and feedback to effectively, ethically, and efficiently provide residents and participants of day program with the care and services needed.  These services will include instructions and counsel specific to working with the developmentally delayed or disabled population, including how to treat residents with dignity, respect, and good judgement while also considering their own personal safety and emotional well-being.